The purpose of the SciLifeLab RDM guidelines is to serve as an information resource to life science researchers in Sweden regarding research data management and to act as the entry point for SciLifeLab Data Management support. The guidelines describe good data management practices throughout the research data life cycle and provide resources to enable data becoming easily accessed, understood, exchanged and reused.
SciLifeLab is committed to the values of Open Science, Transparent research and FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable). We work actively to ensure that the investments done by the society in research infrastructure resources can achieve the highest possible impact.
The SciLifeLab RDM guidelines was built and is maintained by the SciLifeLab Data Centre and NBIS. We welcome all questions related to research data management or the website itself. Please get in touch with us by emailing or by sending us a message using our contact form.
The content of the website is moderated by an editorial group supported by the SciLifeLab RDM guidelines advisory group. However, contributions are welcome in each of the sections. For example, you can suggest a new topic or an update to current research data life cycle or topic pages.
Contact form for enquiries and contributions
Organisations behind the guidelines
Our organisation leverages the unique strengths of individual researchers across Sweden into a focused resource for the life science community. For example, we provide thousands of researchers in Sweden with access to the cutting-edge instrumentation and scientific expertise necessary to be internationally competitive in bioscience research. The infrastructure that we provide is, in turn, supported and further developed by our research community, which includes internationally recognised experts in life science and technology. This results in a unique environment for carrying out health and environmental research at the highest level.
SciLifeLab started in 2010 as a joint effort between four universities; Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm University and Uppsala University. Today, we support research activities at all major Swedish universities.
Life science research is increasingly becoming not only technology-driven, but also data-driven. SciLifeLab coordinates and supports activities throughout the data lifecycle. This includes project planning, data production, data analysis, data sharing, through to the publication and reuse of data, where researchers are dependent on advanced data analysis and e-infrastructures.
For more information about SciLifeLab, please see
SciLifeLab Data Centre focuses primarily on data generated by SciLifeLab infrastructure platforms. We work to maximise the value, and biological insight, that can be obtained from data, and to enable infrastructure to make data findable and accessible. At SciLifeLab Data Centre, we see data as one of the most valuable and long-lasting products of our operations and strive to make our data FAIR, ensure that it is handled according to open science standards, and to maximise its long-term value to the scientific community.
General information about the Data Centre is available at
NBIS is supported by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), SciLifeLab, all major Swedish universities and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, and is also the Swedish contact point to the European infrastructure for biological information ELIXIR.
General information about NBIS is available at