
University RDM resources

Most often there are information resources at your university regarding research data management (RDM). There might be policies that you as an employee need to be aware of, tools offered to help you apply good data managment practices in your projects, and support offered to answer questions that arise while working with your data throughout it’s life cycle. Please find below a collection of university specific links and contact information.

Research data support, guidelines and policies

Many universities have established a Research Data Office (RDO) or Data Access Unit (DAU) in order to help researchers with data management questions. Also, the libraries can most often give advice or redirect to local instances. In the table below you can find links and contact information to local offices and resources.

See the Swedish National Data Service (SND) network for other sites.

Data Protection Officers

The role of the data protection officer (dataskyddsombud) is to check that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is complied with within the organisation. If personal data is processed in your research, you should report this to your institute’s Data Protection Officer (DPO).

University Contact Processing personal data guidelines
Chalmers University of Technology Processing of personal data
Karolinska Institutet Personal data in research
KTH Royal Institute of Technology Processing of personal data at KTH
Linköping University
Linnaeus University General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Lund University Registration of personal data processing
Stockholm University Personal data and data protection
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Data protection and personal data
Umeå University Personuppgifter
University of Gothenburg Routines for processing personal data
Uppsala University General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Örebro University Dataskydd/GDPR - Forskning (in Swedish)