This README file was generated on [YYYY-MM-DD] by [NAME] GENERAL INFORMATION - Dataset title: - Description: ORGANIZATION - Folder structure: - File naming conventions: - File formats: DATA COLLECTION - Institutional catalog ID (if applicable): - Date of data collection: - Link to electronic lab book (codebook) where the following is described (if it does not exist, include it here): - Methods used for data collection (including references, documentation (e.g. consent form template), links): - Geographic location of collection (if applicable): - Experimental & environmental conditions of collection (if applicable): - Standards and calibration for data collection (if applicable): - Uncertainty, precision and accuracy of measurements (if applicable): - Known problems & caveats (sampling, blanks, etc.): - Codes or symbols used to record missing data with description (if applicable): - Link to data dictionary: DATA RE-USE - DOI/accession number (if dataset is published): - License (if any): - Use restrictions (if any): - Recommended citation for the data (if any):